Sunday, October 3, 2010

Join in the adventure!

So for all of you interested in coming down to visit the beautiful country of Honduras, here are some dates that would be good. Although I do not have many three day weekends (unless you want to make a last minute trip at the end of the month…I have the 22nd off) there are a few weeks where I don’t have classes. These are the weeks at the end of each quarter, during which we have half-days for the kids to take exams. Give me enough for warning, and I should be able to ask for my History and Science Exams to be early (or late) in the week, leaving me with free time to show you around (also, Maki is interviewing a potential science teacher on Monday, so let’s keep our fingers crossed that I don’t have to teach it for much longer!) These weeks are as follows:
January 17-21
March 21-25
June 6-10

June is of course our final exams. I’m thinking (time and money permitting) of going back to Utila after the school year ends, and then flying home from La Ceiba (for more on these places see earlier posts). Once you get to Utila, things are pretty inexpensive (by US standards), so if anyone wants to come down, scuba dive, or just listen to Evelyn’s stories let me know!

There is also a long break around Easter starting April 16th. There won’t be classes again until the 26th or 27th, so this is an excellent time to come down to Central America. I say Central America and not Honduras because I have to leave the country for at least four days due to my visa being renewed. Many of the volunteers are going to Costa Rica, and I myself am thinking of seeing a bit more of down here rather than returning to the US for the week. This would be a fantastic time to have an adventure/vacation (hint hint Mum and Dad).

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